CROATIA: Baby Lasagna presents his first fairytale for children!

Baby Lasagna

Baby Lasagna, Croatia’s representative in the 68th Eurovision Song Contest seems to have a lot of talents.

So despite the particularly heavy schedule required by representing his country in Malmö, the Croatian star proceeded to publish a children’s tale entitled Baby Lasagna And Stipe The Cat – A Great Friendship”.

Baby Lasagna, who never hid his love for cats, recounts in his childhood fairy tale the story of the cat Stipe, who participates in the video clip of “Rim Tim Tagi Dim”, who was born with one eye and owns the role of protagonist and narrator.

It is worth mentioning that the photos of the fairy tale are inspired by the real cats that he and his girlfriend, Elizabeta, keep.

I am excited because the book contains photos of the cats I keep with Elizabeta. The book contains events that we live every day with our cats such as for example eating snails or fighting on our couch. I think people will like it and it will be something special!

Baby Lasagna

[Source: Reddit / Wiwibloggs]

Marko Purišić was born on July 5, 1995 and became more widely known by his stage name, Baby Lasagna . The Croatian singer, songwriter and music producer served from 2011 to 2022, as the guitarist of the rock band Manntra. In 2019, the band made their debut at Dora 2019, taking fourth place with the song “In the Shadows”. His solo career only starts in 2023, with the release of the CD singles “IG Boi” and “Don’t Hate Yourself, But Don’t Love Yourself too Much”.

  • Appearances: 28
  • Appearances in the Grand Final: 19
  • First Appearance: 1993
  • Last Appearance (up to date): 2023
  • Highest placement: 4th (1996, 1999)
  • Lowest placement: 17th in the Semi Final (2018)

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